77024 Real Estate Agents

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Rohail Ullah
JPAR - The Sears Group
About Rohail

I am driven to succeed. One of my favorite mottos is "there are no problems, only challenges." I take on each challenge with enthusiasm and humor.

I like to make this an enjoyable process for all my clients. I meet so many amazing people in this profession. We start out as associates and end up as friends. Those lasting relationships are the foundation of my success.

I am a multi-talented relator and I see opportunity everywhere. My knowledge of the industry is not only a benefit to my clients, but to the profession itself. I founded and operated a data analytics company, so I'm using those skills into building new software for the real estate industry.

My long-term goal is to build an empire through real estate. With a degree in Petroleum Engineering and my entrepreneurial experience, my career path has taken a number of turns, but I believe that being part of a powerhouse real estate team is my calling. I could do a lot of different things, but I love real estate. I think that Dr. Seuss said it best: 'The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.' Knowledge gives us the power of choice, and I choose to be here.

Homes For Sale
Homes For Rent
Homes Sold in the last 5 years
Homes Leased in the last 5 years
For Sale: 4
For Rent: 2
Sold: 54
*Based on past 5 years.