Your Credit Score Matters

If your credit history is short, start building it now. People with no credit cards often have lower credit scores than people who manage their credit card(s) responsibly. When you apply for a loan, lenders want reassurance you're a low-risk applicant and will repay your loan on time. However, don't apply for several lines of credit at once--this can raise red flags. Instead, apply for a low-limit credit card and build credit from there.

Your credit score matters: The higher it is, the lower your interest rate. Depending on how much you're borrowig, even one percent rise in your interest rate could increase your mortgage by several hundred dollars.

How to boost your credit score:

1. Keep your credit card balances low.

2. Pay your bills on time.

3. Don't open unnecessary new lines of credit.

4. Don't close lines of credit--they'll still remain on your credit report and closing them may hurt your score.

5. Pay off your debt.

-Information from Buffini & Company

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